JVR will be holding its annual Elegance Ride. This year’s theme is “Fashionable + Autumn Foliage”.
Let’s enjoy riding your vintage bicycles and enjoy the beautiful autumn foliage in Tokyo while wearing elegant clothes!
This year’s gathering will be at the Royal Danish Embassy in Tokyo, which has become an annual event. After a visit to the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, where the autumn foliage is at its peak, we will enjoy a sumptuous Japanese lunch at Hiroo’s famous restaurant Tokitarazu, followed by a ride from Hibiya Park through the Jingu Palace Cycling Path to the Ginkgo Namiki trees in Jingu Gaien. The goal of the ride, Cafe FARINA, will host the 2023 EROICA Japan Public Meeting with L’Eroica staff. Please join the exciting Eloica Japan world.

●イベント名:JVR2023 紅葉エレガンセライド+エロイカジャパンパブリックミーティング
▪Event Name: JVR2023 Autumn Leaves Elegance Ride + Eloica Japan Public Meeting
●協力:駐日デンマーク王国大使館 エロイカジャパン
▪Cooperation: Royal Danish Embassy in Japan/Eroica Japan
〒150-0033 東京都渋谷区猿楽町29−6
集合 09:00
出発 09:30
〒108-0071 東京都港区白金台5丁目21−9
東京都庭園美術館到着 10:00 散策1時間 – 出発 11:00
時たらず 和食ランチ
〒150-0012 東京都渋谷区広尾1丁目4−10
時たらず到着 11:30 食事1時間 出発 12:30
*DIXANS ディゾン九段下店でコーヒーブレイク
〒102-0073 東京都千代田区九段北1丁目2−12 九段下プラレールビル 1階
16:30 ゴールのカフェFARINA着
〒152-0002 東京都目黒区目黒本町4丁目25−19 シティコート池ノ上
17:00 エロイカパブリックミーティング開催(2時間程度)
▪Ride Schedule
Start: Royal Danish Embassy in Tokyo
29-6 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0033, Japan
*Note: The start and Goal are different. If you are coming by car, please park near Cafe FARINA and meet at the Danish Embassy.
Meeting time: 09:00 Departure 09:30
Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum
5-21-9 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0071
Arrive 10:00 (1 hr. for autumn foliage walk) – Depart 11:00
Japanese quisine lunch at Tokitarazu
4-10, Hiroo 1-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0012, Japan
Arrival 11:30, meal 1 hour – Departure 12:30
Autumn Foliage Cycling: Hibiya Park ⇒ Imperial Palace (Palace Cycling) ⇒ Jingu Gaien Ginkgo Namiki
*Coffee break at DIXANS Kudanshita on the way
1F Kudanshita Plarail Building, 1-2-12, Kudan-kita 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073, Japan
16:30 Arrive at the goal cafe FARINA
City Court Ikenoue, 4-25-19 Megurohoncho, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-0002
17:00 Eloika Public Meeting will be held (about 2 hours)
**A leisurely cycling tour of about 30 km.
以下の情報を記載の上、JVR2023エントリーフォーム/Entry Formおよび下記のLINEか電話:03-6914-7070 メール:mail@corsacorsa.com よりお申し込み下さい。追って担当者より参加費用のお振込み先やクレジットカードの支払方法をご案内させていただきます。
⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩
▪ご希望のお支払い方法 ※下記のいずれかをお選び下さい。
1.銀行振込 2.クレジットカード払い
▪Participation fee
1.Participation in JVR only: 6,500 yen
(Including lunch, visit to the Teien Museum, coffee, and insurance)
2.Eroica Meeting only: 4,000 yen
(FARINA food and beverage fee/all-you-can-drink for 2 hours)
3.Participation in JVR + Eroica Meeting: 10,000 yen
Please fill in the following information and send it to JVR2023 Entry Form or to the following line or phone: 03-6914-7070 or e-mail: mail@corsacorsa.com
A representative will contact you shortly with information on where to transfer the registration fee and how to pay by credit card.
Please choose one of the following 3 events to join.
1.JVR only/6500yen 2.Eroica meeting/ 4000yen 3.JVR+Eroica meeting/ 10,000yen
▪Payment Method ※Please choose one of the following.
1. Bank transfer 2. Credit card payment
▪ Name:
▪ Address:
▪ Mobile Phone Number:
▪Date of birth
▪Emergency contact information for ride participants only:
電話:0369147070 PHONE:+81369147070
LINE: https://page.line.me/135tcyub
MAIL: mail@corsacorsa.com
WHATSAPP: https://wa.me/message/FEEMEH4B6Q5EE1