Mr. W’s Eddy Merckx assembly start!💫💫💫 2021.08.28 Eddy Merckx Mr. W’s Eddy Merckx assembly start!Campy C-record Century + Delta brakes + Cinelli EXA Handlebar 💙💙💙 【 Cinelli EXA Handlebar 】 バーテープ新品巻き直し時、ハンドルバーの六角形に気付きましたWhen I removed the bar tape, Hexagon appeared!ヘキサゴンは調和や結合の象徴~自然界にもたくさんある六角形雪の結晶、蜂の巣、トンボの複眼、亀甲、柱状節理の断面。Hexagon ~ Hexagon is a symbol of harmony and unity.Hexagons that are abundant in nature!Cross section of snowflake, beehive, compound eye of dragonfly, hexagonal shell, columnar joint. 【Campy C-record Century + Delta brakes 】 All that is left is to install Handlebar tape. 残すはハンドルバーテープのみ‼👍” To be continued “😎 Tweet Share Hatena Pocket RSS feedly Pin it Best friend🙌🙌🙌 Prev post Mr. W’s Eddy Merckx assembly completed‼️ !🚴💨💨💨 Next post